*現貨*HM-STAHM-204-神聖號角天使雕像Clarion Holy Angel Statue
規格尺寸:W 18.1cm * D 28.6cm * H 52.07cm產品說明:
Angel / Statue Of Human
Specifications Dimensions:W 18.1cm * D 28.6cm * H 52.07cm
Product Description:
The sacred cute little angel statue, suitable for placing in any home decoration or garden furnishings, fence or pillar decoration, to increase the gorgeous sense of the environment.
※Product size and color can be customized, if you have custom requirements, welcomed the inquiry.
※Delivery time, another notice, the subscript on behalf of agree with the seller production scheduling and shipping time.
Free Shipping is limited to the island of Taiwan (for shipping outside the island region shipping charges)
*現貨*HM-STAHM-204-神聖號角天使雕像Clarion Holy Angel...
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